fairings |
Fitting aft spar
More fitting aft spar
Finished aft spar
Texas Joggler
Joggling stiffeners
Joggled stiffener
Excellent Joggle
Stiffeners trial fit
Leading edge trial fit
More stiffener trial fit |
Leading edge riveted in |
Forward ribs cleco'd in |
Stiffeners riveted in |
Port wing skin trial fit |
Factory leading edge bend
My re-bend |
Difference in leading edge shapes |
got 'er flipped over! |
Trial fit, bottom wing skins |
installing flap tubes |
trial fit flap motor bracket |
more trial fit flap motor bracket |
flap tube and bushing trial fit |
trial fit motor flap bracket |
Flap motor bracket riveted in |
Starboard Wing motor installed by Supermarine crew |
I matched the port side to the starboard side |
and then bolted and riveted everything in place |
and then discovered they were in upside down and reversed both |
this should be correct port side |
and this should be correct starboard. |
wing stub with a whole assload of cleco's |
stiffeners installed |
drilling 3/32 |
dimplin' ribs |
preparing anchor nuts |
trial fit |
my plane is a porcupine |
still drillin', dimplin' and clecoin' |
Primed wingskins
Primed trial fit wing farings
Finally riveted right wingskin |
and left wingskin |
Just another pretty picture of me! |
Checking alignment of farings |
Using laser for measurements |
Perfect alignment |
Wing farings cleco'd in place. |
Oil cooler installed
Oil cooler air scoop
Oil cooler air scoop
Reshape scoop |
Trial Fitting |
Install trim |
Looks good, ehh? |
Just another view |
Finally finished |
Front |
Back |
Can ya tell I'm proud of these bastards? |
Last shot of scoops |
Preparing to turn 'er over |
Bolt on the spar for grins.
Trial fit wing parts |
Assembled back half of wing |
Preparing to rivit top |
Preparing bottom |
Riviting top |
Panels in front of heater |
Pullin' off that frickin' tape |
Preparing wheel well.. |
Riviting in wheel well |
Making Landing gear tunnel |
Top rivited |
Pitot tubes and light wire installed |
Preparing to rivit bottom of wing. |
Install Pitot tubes
Alignment of wing |
Alignment of wing |
Build Aileron |
Trial fit Aileron, flap and tip |
More aileron alignment |
Install underside rivits |
Here's that Frickin' tape!!!! |
More Aileron alignment |
and more still.... |
Flap alignment |